Friday, November 19, 2010

Sometimes we can be Cannibalistic

GOD showed me something last night in my prayer time that I wanted to share because I felt that I was supposed to. It is for the family of GOD as a whole. When we put down each other, demand our own way in the church, gossip about each other, be nice nice to each others faces and deep inside hold bitter feelings toward each other, not believing the best and praying for GOD's blessings and GOD's best for each other...I have decided that all these activities are a form of cannibalism on a spiritual level. Jesus said that we are one body - one mind - one mission. When we do any of these things, we are eating away at our own flesh. SICK. We have got to stop this nonsense. Love each other, build each other up. When is the last time you walked up to someone that is not part of your 'klik' and asked them how they are doing and actually waited for the answer? Are you respecting the leadership of the church that GOD's placed for your good? Do you tear them down and talk badly about them, or do you bless them with your mouth and your actions? There are some very serious Scriptures concerning all of these things. GOD takes it very seriously when we trespass against our fellow believers, and He promises serious consequences from His own hand.  So the next time things don't go quite the way you felt they ought to at church, that person didn't wear what you approve of, that teen's hair doesn't seem Godly to you according to your standards...think again. No, REALLY...THINK AGAIN. Our minds need renewed - turned around - upside down. We need to stop that stinkin thinkin and "let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus". It wasn't a passive suggestion my brothers and sisters. It's a command. So lets stop chewing on our own fingers and get about the business of spreading the Gospel of Christ. Quit focusing on the fleshly nonsense that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the light of eternity. BE SOMETHING for Jesus - He's everything for's only fair.

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