Monday, January 24, 2011

Do we REALLY get it????

Psalm 81:6-7 (The Message)

 "I took the world off your shoulders,
      freed you from a life of hard labor.
   You called to me in your pain;
      I got you out of a bad place.
   I answered you from where the thunder hides,
      I proved you at Meribah Fountain.

When we allow GOD to open up our spiritual eyes to things formerly hidden, it can be both enlightening and frightening at the very same time. Some believers are content with letting GOD hand out the "Sesame Street Version" as I call it because that is all they are willing to open themselves up to. Me being the radical child of GOD that I tend to be, I'm always asking GOD for more. Sometimes you really need to be careful what you ask for.

This verse reminded me of something that GOD showed me one time regarding someone I was praying over. That person still had a literal heavy chain around their neck in the spiritual realm. Satan had them bound with a chain that looked like something out of a horror movie. Yet, they conducted themselves throughout life unaware of any of this...only reaping symptoms, circumstances and consequences.

That is really scary to unknowingly go through life with really nasty things attached and no hope or means to get them off.  Feelings of rejection, abandonment, anger, guilt, rebellious tendencies, abusive behavior, violence, 0% self worth...all the things that Satan loves to use against those GOD created for His glory.

So, the good news is...if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour - He can and will deliver you from all the things that bind you and keep you from your destiny in HIM. Read the verse again. He's already declared it over us. We don't think about our slavery to Satan as hard labor until we feel life without the chains. For me it's not enough to just get rid of the sin chains at salvation. I want to be TOTALLY free. Free from all of the other baggage that poor decisions and sins of the flesh have afforded to me because I've allowed it. the verse again. Are we living a life that is truly delivered? Set Free and Free Indeed? If He's gotten you out...why are you even thinking about going back in? Say NO to the chains, say NO to the brokenness, say NO to the control of the enemy who only seeks to kill and destroy that which the blood of the Lamb has already purchased. You have authority over your own flesh. Speak obedience into your own flesh and let this mind be in you...

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